Qualities of a Good Manager

August 19, 2023 in HR

Qualities of a Good Manager

Handwriting on notebook with light bulbs as Leadership concept

Qualities of a Good Manager

The most successful managers seek to create a positive work atmosphere, ensure productivity, motivate people, and enhance employees’ leadership qualities. Finding someone who can strike this balance may be difficult, and the implications of selecting a bad boss can be disastrous. 

One of the leading reasons for employee turnover is lousy management. According to a Gallup poll released recently, over half of all employees who quit a job do so because of their boss. This demonstrates the influence managers have on an organization’s performance, engagement, and retention.

Hiring new managers may seem to be a difficult process, with its own set of challenges. However, there are data-backed characteristics of a successful manager that may assist you in making the best judgments.

Previously, experience and technical abilities were essential qualities of a good manager. However, today’s businesses put a larger focus on interpersonal skills like listening, flexibility, and encouraging open communication as far as qualities of a good manager are concerned.

The efficient features that lead to a manager’s success include developing trust, demonstrating empathy, accepting responsibility, and engaging in employee development. Additionally, soft skills became as an indispensable attribute of a manager. Let’s take a deeper look at the most important traits of a successful manager.

In order to communicate effectively with the employees, you need to follow certain guidelines, which would ensure that you, as a manager, and the employees are on the same page.

Every employee brings his or her own understanding to the workplace, a blend of culture, beliefs, upbringing, and accomplishments. As a manager, you must develop a common broader vision for the company’s employees.

You will create a silo mindset if you fail to provide the context and portray the bigger picture. Hence, employees wouldn’t appreciate the significance of their individual efforts.

In line with this, you, as a manager, should be certain that the employees are aware of the broader vision and of how they fit within it. 

Communicate the “why” behind the company’s strategy to the employees. To elaborate, why does the broader vision of the organization matter? What role does your team play? And, how valuable are employees’ contributions?

Ensure that you inform your employees of what is going on in the company and underline the value of their contributions and efforts to the company’s success

Several studies have shown that hearing a message multiple times helps grasp its meaning. Communication isn’t a task that can be checked off as a to-do list. It’s all about delivering a message consistently among employees when it comes to building trust and confidence. When employees hear the same message repeatedly, they are more likely to notice, understand, and act on it.

Communication allows you to see whether your employees understand your opinions on a variety of issues relating to business management and processes. After the information has been conveyed, double-check that it has been heard and comprehended.

You may also ask your employees to rephrase what they learned. If you want to determine if they have comprehended your core points or want extra context or depth, just ask, “What are your basic impressions and understanding of the information I just shared?”

With real-time two-way communication, you can monitor how effectively your messages are being received.